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Hasbro Unveils Marvel Legends Toys at HASCONHasbro revealed several new figures for their Marvel Legends toyline at HASCON 2. The figures add on to the previously- announced lines that were previewed at San Diego Comic- Con 2. Marvel Legends is a 6- inch toyline of action figures from Hasbro. For years, Marvel Legends figures have been popular both with children and adult collectors. At San Diego Comic 2.
Hasbro delighted fans with numerous reveals. Among the highlights was a boxset of comic book- inspired figures of Netflix’s The. Defenders series and motorcycle figures for Black Widow and Ghost Rider.

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Hasbro announced new lines for Black Panther, Deadpool, the Avengers, and Spider- Man. Ricky Steamboat: The Life Story Of The Dragon Online Putlocker more. Hasbro also showed off exclusive figures like Black Bolt and Medusa, along with a HYDRA agent two- pack. Though Hasbro’s panel at SDCC was full of reveals, many fans knew that the company was purposely saving other announcements for their first HASCON, which was held over the weekend. Hasbro gave fans a look at new figures for classic characters like Wolverine, Storm, Psylocke, Spider- Woman, Thanos and Iron Man, while also revealing first- ever figures for King Cobra and Paladin. You can check all of those figurines out in the photo below: Wolverine, in his classic blue- and- yellow tiger stripe outfit, Psylocke, and Storm with her mohawk, will be part of a new X- Men line with an Apocalypse build- a- figure.
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The Apocalypse figure was teased at SDCC but not fully- shown. The new Avengers toyline, which already included a Songbird figure, will be joined by King Cobra, a classic Avengers villain and member of the Serpent Society. Watch Hatchet Online Hollywoodreporter on this page. Over the past several years, Hasbro has released numerous figures of classic B and C- level Avengers villains, but none were shown off at SDCC. The announcement of King Cobra will surely be welcomed by fans who were disappointed in the lack of villain figures at SDCC. Paladin, a street- level anti- hero associated primarily with Spider- Man and Daredevil, is the latest figure to join the Deadpool series. Spider- Woman will released in the Spider- Man series in her current costume. The Invincible Iron Man” figure will be part of the Black Panther series.
Teased at SDCC, Thanos was officially revealed to be a Wal- Mart exclusive. The Thanos figure is a repaint of the 2. Toys- R- Us exclusive two- pack of Shuri and Klaw was also announced. With many figures still missing from the Avengers, Spider- Man, and Black Panther lines, Hasbo is expected to announce even more figures at New York Comic Con 2.