Serial Season 2 Ideas Of A Thesis

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Seriously Disturbing Serial Killers from Around the World. I watch a lot of scary movies. Vampires, werewolves, zombies. Even when they’re just fictional characters, I find serial killers to be terrifying not because I expect to come across one any more than a movie monster, but because they represent something real.

Serial Season 2 Ideas Of A Thesis

These awful excuses for human beings do exist, and they pose a real threat to society. They come in all shapes and sizes, colors, and races. Today we’ll take a quick look at 2. There will be some of the more well- known U. S. They aren’t all the most famous serial killers. You’ve probably never heard of some of them.

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And some of your “favorites” won’t be included here. This list is a little different. Rather than focusing solely on well- known serial killers (although some will be included), we’re looking at a more diverse group — both men and women, different races and nationalities, etc. Watch The Faculty Online Hitfix. Even more importantly, I wanted to take a look at some of the world’s recent and distant serial killers with some of the most disturbing motives or stories. Keep in mind. I’m not claiming these are THE most disturbing serial killers.

There have been too many for me to ever know about them all, and that would be subjective. These are just some examples of particularly disturbing individuals that caught my attention or made me cringe. If other serial killers top your own personal list, feel free to leave a comment below to tell us about them.

Disturbing Serial Killers from Around the World. The serial killers profiled below are listed in alphabetical order (by first names) — not in any order based on how “disturbing” I might find them, by race, nationality, etc. Also, understand that the definition of “serial killer” is heavily debated. For example some definitions simply state there must be a break between killings to separate serial killers from mass- murderers. Other definitions give a specific length that break must be in order to qualify as a serial killer rather than a spree killer. We’re not going split hairs about that here. Note: Where legal images were available for re- publication, I’ve included them below.

Serial Season 2 Ideas Of A Thesis

You can run a Google image search to view other serial killers from the list if you’re interested — but having them appear in image search results doesn’t give us the right to publish them here for you directly. I did, however, try to link to one page with an image where possible when one wasn’t available for republication. Now, let’s get to the list. Ahmad Suradji. They’re a reminder that the world is full of different cultures where different practices are considered acceptable than here in the West. But Ahmad Suradji doesn’t seem to be following any kind of cultural norm. Instead he just sounds deranged. At the same time, I have to admit it’s one of the more “interesting” excuses or motives I’ve ever seen.

The New York Yankees have been surprisingly excellent this season, with a 27-17 record and a unique, likable young star in hulking, homer-bashing rookie Aaron Judge.

Here’s more on Indonesian serial killer, Ahmad Suradji. Victims: Suradji murdered 4.

The killings took place over 1. Kill Zone: Medan, Indonesia. Methods: Suradji buried his victims up to their waists and strangled them with a cable. Motives: Suradji conducted ritual killings. He claimed to be told by his father’s ghost in a dream that by killing these women and drinking their saliva, he would become a mystic healer. Outcome: Ahmad Suradji was found guilty on April 2. July 1. 0, 2. 00.

Additional Information: One of Suradji’s three wives (Tumini) was tried as an accomplice. Often Suradji’s victims were women who came to him seeking his services as a healer. Aileen Wuornos. Credit: Robot Nine via Picasa Web Albums. On one hand, I can understand that traumatic experiences can lead to disturbing behavior. Call me crazy, but I just can’t see trauma caused by someone else as justification for murdering others.

Then again, that’s probably because I’m not crazy. Aileen Wuornos is the first female serial killer on our list here, and she’s an example of someone who was (or who claimed to be) traumatized, leading to the murders of several men. Victims: Wuornos killed 7 men between the ages of 4. Kill Zone: Florida, United States.

Methods: The murders were committed with multiple gun shots. Motives: Wuornosclaimed that the men she killed had raped her (or tried to) while she was working as a prostitute. Outcome: Wuornos was executed by lethal injection on October 9, 2. Additional Information: Aileen Wuornos’ story was the basis for the movie Monster. She had a child when she was a young teen, claiming she was raped by an unknown man. However, it’s suspected by some that her brother actually fathered the child.

Alexander Pichushkin. He killed for the competition of it. Victims: Pichushkin has 4. While not all, most of them were elderly homeless men.

Kill Zone: Moscow, Russia. Methods: Most of Alexander Pichushkin’s victims were killed with hammer blows to the head. He preferred to strike them from behind supposedly to avoid spilling blood on himself. He then threw some of his victims into the sewers. Motives: It is believed Pichushkin considered himself to be in competition with another serial killer — Andrei Chikatilo. At one point he mentioned that his “goal” was to kill 6.

Outcome: Pichushkin was convicted on October 2. Additional Information: Pichushkin has been quoted as saying “For me, life without killing is like life without food for you. I felt like the father of all these people, since it was I who opened the door for them to another world.”He was kept in a glass cage during his trial.

Andrei Chikatilo. Chikatilo was known by two nicknames — “The Red Ripper” and “The Rostov Ripper.”Victims: Chikatilo killed 5. Kill Zone: Rostov Oblast, Russia. Methods: Chikatilo didn’t kill all of his victims in the same way. Most were stabbed, but a few were strangled or battered to death. All were mutilated.

Motives: Chikatilo killed for sexual satisfaction — he could only become aroused by committing violent acts against women. Outcome: Andrei Chikatilo was shot and executed on February 1. Additional Information: Chikatilo was impotent due to a childhood illness, yet had two children of his own.

His son Yuri was charged with the attempted murder of a man. Carl Eugene Watts. According to Watts, he was one of those kinds of killers. Victims: Watts killed females between the ages of 1. Twelve victims are confirmed, but it’s expected that there were more — possibly dozens. Kill Zone: Texas and Michigan, United States. Methods: Watts wasn’t faithful to any particular method of killing his victims.

He use strangulation, stabbing, drowning, and beatings. Motives: While his motives aren’t believed to be sexual in nature (as with many serial killers), they aren’t known. Outcome: Watts died of cancer on September 2. Prior to this, he had been serving time in Texas. Additional Information: Watts is believed to have had an IQ of just 6. Carlton Gary. Others disagree, and believe it’s a case of poor evidence. What do you think?

Victims: Carlton Gary is believed to have killed 7 elderly women. Kill Zone: Georgia, United States. Methods: Victims were beaten, raped, and then strangled to death.

Outcome: Gary was convicted of murder on August 2. He is still on death row. Dana Sue Gray. This has got to be one of the most screwed up motives for murder I’ve seen. But really, greed is one of the oldest I guess. Victims: Gray killed 3 elderly women age 5. Kill Zone: California, United States. Methods: Two of the victims were strangled with telephone cords (the survivor was one of them), one was beaten, and one was stabbed.

Motives: Gray’s motives were financial. She said she killed her victims to support her overwhelming need to shop. She stole cash and credit cards from her victims to help support her lifestyle. Outcome: Gray was convicted and sentenced to life without parole on October 1. Dean Arnold Corll. I won’t even share what I think should be done to people who abuse and kill children. This is the kind of killer nightmares are made of.

Victims: He killed 2. Kill Zone: Texas, United States.