Watch Vampire Diaries Episode 11 Season 2
I know this scene ends really annoyingly because.
- IMDB Rating: 7.8/10 from 224,021 votes. Release: 2009 / The Vampire Diaries / Season 8 / Episode 15. Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Horror. Director: Julie Plec.
- The Vampire Diaries is an American supernatural horror romance television series created by Kevin Williamson based on the novels of the same name by author L.
- Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 6 Episode 1: I'll Remember online. SideReel features links to all your favorite TV shows.
- TVGuide has every full episode so you can stay-up-to-date and watch your favorite show The Vampire Diaries anytime, anywhere.

I mean, it’s kind of hard to enjoy the holidays with your fianc. It’s also tricky when your brother literally kills you, forcing you to spend the whole night reliving your treacherous past with the devil himself. In an attempt to pick the darkest, tastiest soul in the bunch, Damon rehashed the Donovan family’s past sins: Matt killing Penny (hey, low blow!) and “Peter” abandoning his son while he was still in utero.
The Vampire Diaries is based on a novel series penned by L.J. Smith about two vampire brothers - one evil and one good - who vie for the soul of Elena Gilbert, a. Do you like The Vampire Diaries TV show? Do you think it should have ended? Would you have watched a ninth season? Season 1, Episode 10. November 19, 2009. Damon learns another vampire is in town when a body drained of its blood is discovered, and he. On The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Episode 16, Elena wakes up from her coma, but does that mean Bonnie is dead? On The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Episode 16, a fake.
Fortunately, they both got to leave the Salvatore Mansion with their bodies in one piece. Shattered.)And that wasn’t the only madness Stefan missed while taking his little “nap.” He also didn’t see Damon receive a special gift from Caroline — Elena’s necklace! And he definitely didn’t see Damon rip out Sybil’s heart on a damn city bench. She was featured in the promo for the next episode.)RELATEDExclusive: The Originals Adds Teen Wolf Alum as . Apparently, Cade’s had his eye on Stefan ever since. During Stefan’s little death nap, Cade also took him back to Mystic Falls High School, where he explained that the only way Stefan could have protected Elena was by not meeting her in the first place. By pursuing her (“I have to know her!”), he deterred her from the correct path.
I’m not entirely sure what he meant by all of that — is he suggesting Elena has an impure soul? Will Seline successfully sever her psychic link to the twins? Will Bonnie and Enzo have a nice time in Paris? Will Stefan decide to remain a Ripper and grow out his beard?! Either way, we’re almost at the end of the finish line, friends. Watch Tracy Beaker Season 4.
So give the fall finale a grade below, then drop a comment with your thoughts and hopes for 2.
Watch The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 1 Online. October 8, 2. 01. Season 7 begins with Damon being forced to navigate his new reality without Elena. Meanwhile, Stefan waits for Caroline to sort out her emotions and tries to protect the town from Lily and her family of Heretics, who are wreaking havoc in Mystic Falls.
Elsewhere, Enzo struggles to find his place in Lily's new life; and Matt teams up with Stefan and Caroline to put a stop to the Heretics.