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Discover the fascinating story behind Fauna Flora International 10. With Honourable Intent is the story of an organisation that has been shaping and. A Few Bad Scientists Are Threatening to Topple Taxonomy. Science. Imagine, if you will, getting bit by an African spitting cobra. These reptiles are bad news for several reasons First, they spit, shooting a potent cocktail of nerve toxins directly into their victims eyes. But they also chomp down, using their fangs to deliver a nasty bite that can lead to respiratory failure, paralysis, and occasionally even death. Before you go rushing to the hospital in search of antivenin, youre going to want to look up exactly what kind of snake youre dealing with. But the results are confusing. Watch Snake And Mongoose Online Facebook' title='Watch Snake And Mongoose Online Facebook' />According to the official record of species names, governed by the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature ICZN, the snake belongs to the genus Spracklandus. What you dont know is that almost no taxonomists use that name. Instead, most researchers use the unofficial name that pops up in Wikipedia and most scientific journal articles Afronaja. This might sound like semantics. YAz0UH4B7o/0.jpg' alt='Watch Snake And Mongoose Online Facebook' title='Watch Snake And Mongoose Online Facebook' />But for you, it could mean the difference between life and death. Watch Message From The King Streaming. If you walk in to the hospital and say the snake that bit you is called Spracklandus, you might not get the right antivenin, says Scott Thomson, a herpetologist and taxonomist at Brazils Museum of Zoology at the University of So Paulo. After all, the doctor is not a herpetologist hes a medical person trying to save your life. In fact, Spracklandus is the center of a heated debate within the world of taxonomyone that could help determine the future of an entire scientific field. And Raymond Hoser, the Australian researcher who gave Spracklandus its official name, is one of the forefront figures in that debate. By the numbers, Hoser is a taxonomy maven. Between 2. 00. 0 and 2. Hoser named three quarters of all new genera and subgenera of snakes overall, hes named over 8. Before you go rushing to the hospital in search of antivenin, youre going to want to look up exactly what kind of snake youre dealing with. At any one time, around a million people are flying in aircraft. This is a total mass of about 65,000 tonnes. Does this make us the most successful aerial animal now. B00000578-3786386-image-a-3_1473727085756.jpg' alt='Watch Snake And Mongoose Online Facebook' title='Watch Snake And Mongoose Online Facebook' />But prominent taxonomists and other herpetologistsincluding several interviewed for this piecesay that those numbers are misleading. According to them, Hoser isnt a prolific scientist at all. What hes really mastered is a very specific kind of scientific crime taxonomic vandalism. To study life on Earth, you need a system. Ours is Linnaean taxonomy, the model started by Swedish biologist Carl Linnaeus in 1. Linnaeuss two part species names, often Latin based, consist of both a genus name and a species name, i. Homo sapiens.  Like a librarys Dewey Decimal system for books, this biological classification system has allowed scientists around the world to study organisms without confusion or overlap for nearly 3. But, like any library, taxonomy is only as good as its librariansand now a few rogue taxonomists are threatening to expose the flaws within the system. Taxonomic vandals, as theyre referred to within the field, are those who name scores of new taxa without presenting sufficient evidence for their finds. Like plagiarists trying to pass off others work as their own, these glory seeking scientists use others original research in order to justify their so called discoveries. Its unethical name creation based on other peoples work, says Mark Scherz, a herpetologist who recently named a new species of fish scaled gecko. Its that lack of ethical sensibility that creates that problem. The goal of taxonomic vandalism is often self aggrandizement. Even in such an unglamorous field, there is prestige and rewardand with them, the temptation to misbehave. If you name a new species, theres some notoriety to it, Thomson says. You get these people that decide that they just want to name everything, so they can go down in history as having named hundreds and hundreds of species. Taxonomic vandalism isnt a new problem. Decisions about how to partition life are as much a concern of politics and ethics as of biology, two Australian biologists wrote in a June editorial in the journal Nature on how taxonomys lack of oversight threatens conservation. They argued that the field needs a new system, by which the rules that govern species names are legally enforceable We contend that the scientific communitys failure to govern taxonomy damages the credibility of science and is expensive to society. But the problem may be getting worse, thanks to the advent of online publishing and loopholes in the species naming code. With vandals at large, some researchers are less inclined to publish or present their work publicly for fear of being scooped, taxonomists told me. Now theres a hesitation to present our data publically, and thats how scientists communicate, Thomson says. The problem that causes is that you dont know who is working on what, and then the scientists start stepping on each others toes. Smithsonian. In 2. Hoser dubbed this species Oopholis adelynhoserae. According to other taxonomists, it is actually the New Guinea crocodile, Crocodylus novaeguineae. Wikimedia CommonsIf youre a scientist who wants to name a newly discovered form of life, your first step is to gather two to three lines of evidencefrom DNA and morphology, for examplethat prove that youre dealing with something new to science. Then you have to obtain a holotype, or an individual of the species that will serve as an identifier for future researchers. Next youll write up your paper, in which you describe your discovery and name it according to taxonomic naming conventions. Finally, you send your paper off to a scientific journal for publication. If you are the first to publish, the name youve chosen is cemented into the taxonomic record. But that last steppublicationisnt easy. Or at least, it isnt supposed to be. In theory, the evidence you present must adhere to the high scientific and ethical benchmark of peer review. Publication can take months, or even years. Watch Den Of Darkness Online Full Movie'>Watch Den Of Darkness Online Full Movie. However, theres a loophole. The rules for naming a new animal taxon are governed by the ICZN, while the International Association for Plant Taxonomy IAPT governs plants. And while the ICZN requires that names be published, as defined by the commissions official Code, publishing doesnt actually require peer review. That definition leaves room for what few would call science self publishing. You can print something in your basement and publish it and everyone in the world that follows the Code is bound to accept whatever it is you published, regardless of how you did so, Doug Yanega, a Commissioner at the ICZN, told me. No other field of science, other than taxonomy, is subject to allowing people to self publish. Thomson agrees. Last Word Archive New Scientist. October 2. 01. 7. Given that athletics races can be won or lost by a margin as small as a hundredth of a second, do athletes risk a gold medal by wearing gold chains October 2. During the recent total solar eclipse in the US, I overlapped my hands, using the gaps between my fingers to form pinholes. Just before the start of totality, someone noticed that the shadows formed through this pinhole camera onto a white board were so sharp that the individual hairs on my arms were visible. How thin must the solar crescent be for the shadows to be this sharp, and how soon before totality would this occur October 2. Recently, my wifes silver car became covered by a swarm of flying ants. This was odd because none of the other cars parked nearby had any on at all. A friend mentioned it had happened to his silver car too and after searching online it seems its a known phenomenon. Why is it that the swarm seems to be attracted to something silver October 2. If I park my car overnight on an open driveway in cold weather, I have to scrape frost from all of its windows in the morning. But if I park it under the adjacent carport, which is open on all sides but has a roof, no frost forms. Why does a roof make such a difference October 2. Given the importance of the microbiota in our gut for well being, is antibacterial mouthwash a good idea October 2. At any one time, around a million people are flying in aircraft. This is a total mass of about 6. Does this make us the most successful aerial animal now, or is there some species of insect, bird or bat with a greater airborne biomass October 2. While holidaying on the Greek island of Paxos, I came upon a pebble beach where many of the stones had apparently been engraved by some type of creature. This example see photo is roughly 5. What type of creature made these, and how and why Continued. October 2. Driverless cars are already in existence. Would riderless motorbikes be a possibilityOctober 2. How do green plants cope with 2. Does this affect oxygen production, and in turn cause any problems for local wildlife October 2. Solar systems orbit the centre of their galaxies. Planets orbit stars. Moons orbit planets.