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At a press conference on Sunday, angry citizens ran off Jason Kessler, the organizer of a disastrous rally for white supremacists, neo-Nazis and other members of the.

What to Do When You’re a Man in Love With Your Lesbian Roommate. You’ve got problems, I’ve got advice. This advice isn’t sugar- coated—in fact, it’s sugar- free, and may even be a little bitter. Welcome to Tough Love. You’ve got problems, I’ve got advice.

This advice isn’t sugar- coated—in fact, it’s sugar- free, and…Read more Read. This week we have a man who fell for his lesbian friend. Oh, and they’re new roommates! Keep in mind, I’m not a therapist or any other kind of health professional—just a guy who’s willing to tell it like it is. I simply want to give you the tools you need to enrich your damn lives.
- You shouldn’t purchase a smartphone exclusively for action camera action, though it’s a pretty functional substitute. That HD camera, combined with a selection of.
- You’ve got problems, I’ve got advice. This advice isn’t sugar-coated—in fact, it’s sugar-free, and may even be a little bitter. Welcome to Tough Love.
- NASA astronaut and biochemist Peggy Whitson will return to Earth as the planet’s new record holder for longest time cumulatively spent on space by an American or a.
If for whatever reason you don’t like my advice, feel free to file a formal complaint here. Now then, let’s get on with it. Hello Patrick,There is this girl, and after we’ve been pretty close friends for a while, I realized I was attracted to her. Not wanting to just pine for her, and believing that I saw some signs for mutual attraction, I decided to ask her out. She first agreed to the date, then she wanted to wait for after the summer because she was going to be out of the country for a few months. While that wasn’t the best outcome, I thought it was best to give her space and see what happens when the summer was over. Watch Every Day Online Full Movie there. After she got back to the country, we decided to grab a quick coffee, where I told her how I still felt about her and wanted to take her out on a date.
When Tony goes to retrieve the hair gel he loaned to his buddy, he ends up finding his friend’s girlfriend Bailey’s diary, and can’t help but flip through it.
It was then she came out to me and told me she was gay. Obviously that was a bit of a surprise, but I respect her decision and obviously understand why she doesn’t see anything between the two of us. The issue is that while I understand this and respect her decision, and appreciate that she was willing to come out to me, I’m still very much attracted to her.
As much as I don’t take this rejection personally and deeply want us to just be back to the platonic relationship we used to have, I feel like this lingering attraction I have for her is getting in the way. The kicker is that she is also a new housemate (which happened before I realized I was attracted to her), so I see her everyday at home, and that hasn’t helped me to move on. When it first happened, I thought I should be able to move on faster since there is literally nothing I can do about this, but this hasn’t proved to be the case and I’ve become pretty frustrated with myself.
At the same time, I sense there is a bit of withdrawing from her side, since I don’t think she wants to send any wrong signal to me, and that frustrates me even more. Is there something I should be doing? Are my expectations just unrealistic? Am I just being impatient and time will sort this out in the future? Sincerely. Frustrated Fella. Hey Frustrated Fella: You did the right thing in being forward and asking her out, but I get the feeling she didn’t realize you were asking her out on a date. That’s probably why she agreed to it in the first place.
Then, when she realized you were implying some sort of romantic meetup, she decided to push it back. Partly because she was leaving, partly because she wanted things to cool off, and partly because she wasn’t ready to come out to you—which is a big deal. Now, before we continue, heed my words: if you get anything out of this, FF, you need to know that there was no “decision” here. She didn’t decide to be gay to avoid going out with you. She’s gay because she is. It has absolutely nothing to do with you in the slightest!
Zero, zilch, nada, goose egg! So, the only choice of hers you should be respecting is her decision to be honest and tell you something so personal.
Capeesh? Anyway, you’re still into her despite what she told you, and you also happen to be living with her. Oof. First, I’d suggest you look around you and see if you can spot any bad lighting, multiple cameras, or a studio audience because you might be trapped in a sitcom. If that’s not it, you’re in a situation you’ll just have to wait out.
Here’s the hard truth (you ready?): you may always be attracted to her. That might not ever go away. But you can’t be with her Frustrated Fella, and there’s no need to be frustrated with yourself. This was all a basic misunderstanding that is getting blown out of proportion by your emotions, dude.
Remember, this is probably super weird for her too. The more awkward you make it by avoiding her and acting all frustrated about the situation, the more uncomfortable she’s going to feel around you. Watch The Scarlet Pimpernel Online Free 2016'>Watch The Scarlet Pimpernel Online Free 2016. I mean, of course she’s going to withdraw if you’re being all sad and pining around her! Watch Cherry Tree Lane Online IMDB on this page. But while you wait for this to blow over, FF, there are a few actionable things you can do to speed up the process.
Start by getting your relationship back to normal as best you can. Strike up simple conversations about day to day things, or talk about stuff you two used to talk about a lot.
Avoid talking about this snafu if possible, but if it does come up organically, say it was stupid and that you’re sorry you made it so awkward. If you want things to go back to the way they were before, you have to act that way. The other thing you can do is jump back into the dating pool. If you want to move on, you kind of need to move on, you know? Join an online dating service, hit up the bars or clubs if that’s your thing, or go talk to some single straight girls at a local event. Your friend might feel less awkward with you if she sees you going on dates.
Online dating has made meeting people easier than ever, but that also means one little mistake can…Read more Read. You’re stuck in this rut because you want what you can’t have, Frustrated Fella, yet you have to see her every day. Change your environment a little, focus on what you can have, and look back at all of this as a funny story. You’ll be fine—she’s not “the one.” If she was, she wouldn’t be a lesbian.
That’s it for this week, but I still have plenty of blunt, honest advice bottled up inside. Tell me, what’s troubling you?
Is work getting you down? Are you having problems with a friend or a coworker? Is your love life going through a rough patch? Do you just feel lost in life, like you have no direction?
Tell me, and maybe I can help. I probably won’t make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but sometimes what you need is some tough love. Ask away in the comments below, or email me at the address you see at the bottom of the page (please include “ADVICE” in the subject line). Or tweet at me with #Tough. Love! Also, DO NOT EMAIL ME IF YOU DON’T WANT YOUR REQUEST FEATURED.
I do not have time to respond to everyone just for funsies. Til next time, figure things out for yourself.
Action Camera Showdown: Go. Pro vs Smartphones. Hitting the slopes is cool, but sharing a first- person view of you catching some sick air is even cooler. While everyone fancies themselves a potential X- Games contestant when they strap a camera to their face, not everyone requires the durability that the sport- friendly action cam provides. For most of us, the answer to catching clips of cool tricks or excursions through nature’s grandeur might be inside your smartphone. So, which one works best for you?
Competition. Smartphones. Smartphones are often lauded for their photographic capability. Apple uses images shot on i. Phones in its own advertisements, professional photographers have turned to smartphones to capture stills and video where larger cameras are a hindrance, and some larger smartphones have features like optical image stabilization, or dual cameras. There’s also a veritable shit- ton of accessories to choose from, though most are universal, designed to fit a variety of smartphones, and might be of questionable quality when it comes to cheaper options. Go. Pro. The Go. Pro action cam has become synonymous with first- person video showcasing amazing tricks from the world of extreme sports. At the same time, Go.
Pro cameras mounted on bicycle helmets, skateboard decks, or dog harnesses let people record the more mundane parts of their lives. Go. Pro cameras are compact, compatible with tons of accessories, and record video at a variety of resolutions and framerates—great for capturing fast- paced action. One of the best things about owning a Go. Pro is you can take it anywhere—even in the water swimming, …Read more Read. Go. Pro: A Hammer For Your Action- Packed Nails. Go. Pro cameras are dedicated video recorders, and built to handle the stresses of an active lifestyle.
Additionally, their tiny size and versatility make them perfect for capturing extreme sports: you can mount it on your bike helmet, your DJI drone, the side of your car, even on top of your dog. They’re more compact than a smartphone, which has a very large, very breakable screen by comparison. Be prepared to drop at least $1. Go. Pro camera, the Hero Session, which records up to 1. You can step up to a Hero. Session, which records 4. K video, for $2. 99.
The top- tier action cam, the Hero. Black, records 4. K video as well, and features a small touchscreen (it’s also $3. As for accessories, it depends on what you’re looking to do with your camera. You can find helmet mounts ranging in price from $2. Go. Pro- made accessories.
You could shop around, though I wouldn’t try to save a buck or two when it comes to securing a camera worth a few hundred bucks. Sites like Amazon have cheaper options, but they’re often from brands you’ve probably never heard of, and while they may have a ton of positive reviews, most of them are probably fake. Smartphones: Versatile, But Fragile. What’s great about a smartphone is, well, you probably have one. Whether it’s a brand new i.
Phone 8, capable of recording in 4. K, or a Nexus 5 from 2. You shouldn’t purchase a smartphone exclusively for action camera action, though it’s a pretty functional substitute. That HD camera, combined with a selection of video- editing apps, means you can record, edit, and upload your stunts all from the same device, rather than depending on two devices to handle the job. Larger smartphones, like the i. Phone 7 Plus, feature optical image stabilization as well, so your videos won’t look too choppy. If you have a Go.
Pro and a DSLR camera, you may want to use both of them at the same time to capture …Read more Read. If you already have a smartphone, turning it into an action camera is pretty easy: just buy a case, a mount, and open your camera app. If you’re looking for a particular Go. Pro mount (like one for your dog) you’ll find a corresponding version for your mobile device. You’ll need a case that can fit inside the mounts, but companies like Otterbox make cases with mounting capabilities that are designed to take a tumble. Of course, if you hit the pavement along with your Pixel in the wrong way, there’s the tiny chance your screen will turn into a kaleidoscope of color and broken glass.
Seems a little risky. Verdict: Got the Cash? Get a Go. Pro. In the end, the compact size, durability, and single- purpose use case of the Go. Pro action camera make it the ideal action camera, even when you’ve got a phone in your pocket. Its one- touch recording capabilities make it simple to grab and go, and you’re bound to fret less about it falling on the asphalt when compared to your thin, action- averse smartphone in a bulky case. If money is a concern, buy a helmet mount for your device and test it out, at least to see if you like it.
But if you’re doing anything more than riding your bike to work, and want to capture the spectacle, get yourself a Go. Pro and go big (or go home).