Watch A Woman Deceived Online Full Movie

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Corporate Greed Companies Who Deceived America. Illustration by David Plunkert. Theodore Roosevelt, who battled the excesses of the Gilded Age, was always careful to point out that he was not too hostile to corporations rather, he was endeavoring to do away with any evil in them. Sorry, Teddy, but wrongdoing has not been expunged. The past few decades alone have seen the lies of tobacco companies exposed, Enron and Tyco collapse under the weight of malfeasance, and financial institutions that cooked the books lead us into the Great Recession. You might think that todays large corporations would have learned from such misdeeds. Avatar The Last Airbender Season 2 Episode 20 Vimeo. As the following companies show, youd be mistaken. Illustration by David Plunkert. Volkswagen Cheated to Beat Emissions Tests. The pitch Volkswagen promised consumers that its diesel engine cars were not only fuel efficient but also clean enough to meet U. Watch-Deception-Full-HD-Movie-Online-Free-Streaming.jpg' alt='Watch A Woman Deceived Online Full Movie' title='Watch A Woman Deceived Online Full Movie' />S. Environmental Protection Agency air quality standards. American consumers scrambled to get behind the wheel of Volkswagens green diesels, which combined high fuel economy, great performance, and the cachet of driving an eco friendly European vehicle. The hitch American air quality standards are very different from those in Europe. European emissions standards are more focused on greenhouse gases carbon dioxide, primarily and fuel economy, while U. S. standards are aimed at limiting smog and adverse health effects, so they target six principal pollutants, such as particulate matter and carbon monoxide. To span this divide, Volkswagen developed a secret sauce that allowed models to pass the EPAs test. The fallout The secret sauce, it was revealed last year, turned out to be good old fashioned cheating. Every Volkswagen diesel was equipped with a defeat devicesoftware that detected when the car was undergoing emissions testing, says the EPAthat triggered a tightening of the cars emissions control system and allowed it to meet emissions standards in the lab. But as soon as the car came off the test treadmill, the engine snapped back to snazzy life, spewing up to 4. Watch A Woman Deceived Online Full Movie' title='Watch A Woman Deceived Online Full Movie' />Watch breaking news videos, viral videos and original video clips on CNN. NOX, which causes respiratory ailments, especially in fragile populations such as the elderly and young children with asthma. The company has fessed up to the cheating, but that didnt stop the EPA from going after it. In June, Volkswagen agreed to pay up to 1. Clean Air Act. If the engineers who designed the cheat told themselves they were hurting no one, they were wrong Harvard and MIT scientists estimate that the added NOX emissions could cause about 6. United States alone. Illustration by David Plunkert. Pro Sports Teams Paid to Be Patriotic. Movies to Watch This Oscar Season. Say goodbye to the August doldrums. The next few months are full of buzzy biopics and indie hits. Gizmodo has a livestream on our Facebook. NASA is streaming the solar eclipse on its Facebook page. CNN is also livestreaming on Facebook. Twitter. Twitter is. Monitoring the Invisible Empire Large collection of graphics and antimasonic commentary and articles. Find the latest business news on Wall Street, jobs and the economy, the housing market, personal finance and money investments and much more on ABC News. Red Sox fans have also seemed to have latched on the Apple Watch, not because of the tech itself, but because of their neverending inferiority complex that flares up. Share this Rating. Title Deceived by Trust A Moment of Truth Movie TV Movie 1995 6. Want to share IMDbs rating on your own siteThe pitch Sports stadiums are among the most patriotic places in America. There you might witness a tear jerking surprise reunion of a soldier just home from Afghanistan with his family, on field reenlistment ceremonies, Air Force flyovers, and more. Its enough to put a lump in our throats and leave us thanking the individual teams for their commitment to our servicemen and women. The hitch In 2. 01. Directed by Chris Menges. With Goldie Hawn, Arliss Howard, James Gammon, David Arnott. Set in 1969, a twelveyearold grows up in Key West with his mother, who is. Watch tv series on demand episodes complete seasons american and british online television shows shows. Low monthly subscription. No ads. Some of the worlds most respected corporations went out of their way to deceive us. Watch Splash, Too Online Hitfix. Heres the fascinating way they got caught. NFL, the NBA, the NHL, Major League Baseball, and Major League Soccer had actually been business deals designed for profit. It wasnt that the sports teams had never staged sincere shows of patriotism however, its doubtful the fans would have responded so emotionally to all these spectacles had they understood that many of them were lucrative recruiting advertisements, paid for by the Department of Defense. Content continues below ad. The fallout Arizona senators Jeff Flake and John Mc. Cain launched an investigation and published a damning report on paid patriotism. They found that the National Guard, the biggest advertiser, had dropped millions on sports teams while simultaneously appealing to Congress for funding to meet a 1. A typical example blasted by the senators a 2. New York Jets to recognize local Army National Guard soldiers as hometown heroes on the video board, as well as Coaches Club access for the recognized soldiers and three guests. The senators added that the DOD, operating with a complete lack of internal controls, couldnt prove that paid patriotism had helped recruitment. Its certainly easy to be angry with the Department of Defense for wasting money on potentially fruitless advertising. But neither the leagues nor the individual teams should get a pass. After all, they were all too eager to benefit from our emotions. In response to the report, the Department of Defense issued new guidelines that banned paid patriotism. In May, after conducting an audit, the NFL announced it identified 7. Lumosity Promised Unproven Benefits for the Brain. The pitch As the U. S. population ages, Americans are becoming increasingly worried about dementia and Alzheimers. Many have seen parents or grandparents lose their dignity to mental decline and have said, Id give anything to ensure that never happens to me. And then along came companies like Lumosity, with an alluring promise Play some fun games designed by neuroscientists on your computer or phone and boost your brainpower. Advertisements for Lumositys gameswhich cost 1. The hitch The science speak sounded good, but in fact, in 2. While they did not mention Lumosity or any of the brain game companies by name, the scientists said that the industry claimed to offer consumers a scientifically grounded way to reduce or reverse cognitive decline, despite no compelling scientific evidence to date that it actually did. The neuroscientists argued that such claims ignored a cornerstone tenet of scientific psychology, which is that mastery of a single task cannot stand in for an entire capability. For example, if you get really good at remembering where the red cube was on the screen, it doesnt mean that youll always remember where you put your car keys. The fallout This past January, Lumosity without admitting to or denying any wrongdoing agreed to a 5. Federal Trade Commission for lacking data to support its scientific claims. Lumosity preyed on consumers fears of age related cognitive decline, said Jessica Rich, director of the FTCs Consumer Protection Bureau. No other brain game companies were targeted. Was Lumosity singled out because its the largest in the industryThe FTC isnt saying. However, it agreed to suspend all but 2 million of the total judgment, the amount Lumosity claimed it could afford, pending verification of financial records and as long as Lumosity agreed not to make any claims without reliable scientific evidence. Content continues below ad. Coca Cola Sugarcoated News. Illustration by David Plunkert. The pitch There is virtually no compelling evidence that fast food and sugary drinks cause obesity, said Steven Blair of Global Energy Balance Network in a video announcing the launch of that scientific research organization. Good health, claimed GEBN, is achieved when an individual balances calories consumed with calories burned. The hitch GEBN wasnt exactly an objective source. In 2. 01. 4, James Hill, Ph. D, of the University of Colorado had e mailed Coca Cola executives It is not fair that Coca Cola is singled out as the 1 villain in the obesity world, Hill wrote. I want to help your company avoid the image of being a problem in peoples lives. Coca Cola contributed 1 million to support the creation of the organization. Hill and Blair gave obesity related media interviews that put more emphasis on calories out than calories in, without any disclosure of their ties to Coke. The fallout After a New York Times article exposed the special relationship between Coca Cola and GEBN, the two parted ways. GEBN soon shut down and returned the 1 million to the company. Cokes CEO, Muhtar Kent, has acknowledged an insufficient amount of transparency and flaws in Cokes approach to public health.