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Coco de Mer - The Triple World System 'Sophia' Originally Intended to. Emanateby John Lash. October 2. 00. 4from. Meta. History Website. The Human Role in Gaia's Dreaming. The icon for the Gaia Mythos is a coco de mer with cosmic detailing: sun and moon motifs with the. There is a story that goes with.

Earth. The Gaia Mythos, an evolutionary myth of. Earth, encodes some closely guarded secrets of the Pagan Mysteries. In Greco- Roman mythology, for instance.

The Fosters Consequently Full Episode FreeThe Fosters Consequently Full Episode Free

Ouranos. the Greek word for . The mythic . Sophia is exiled from the Pleroma and . The Gnostic creation myth provides a. Watch Blind Date Hindi Full Movie on this page.

Pleromic Goddess, Sophia. What we know today. Gnostic cosmology into a visionary model of our own. Doing so, we come to participate. Earth Goddess, Gaia- Sophia.

As suggested in Sharing the Gaia Mythos, the purpose of humanity in Gaia's life- process may reside in on our capacity to remember Her. Story. Metahistory involves not only a critique of history. In this respect it should. Gnosticism into the concepts of modern astronomy is not. Gnostic vision, but to link our current.

Gnostic writings. Even with clear correlations, however, it is extremely difficult to. Fallen Goddess scenario. The textual material is in some. The. Nag Hammadi .

These documents were translated into Coptic from. The Coptic reads like a. Fifty fragmentary documents whose content is largely incoherent and. Mystery Schools. To fill in what is missing or badly. Coptic treatises from Nag Hammadi, we must turn to. Church Fathers. who opposed the Gnostics. For the scenario of Sophia's fall and.

By John Lash. October 2004. The Human Role in Gaia's Dreaming The icon for the Gaia Mythos is a coco de mer with cosmic.

Gaia, for instance, we have to rely on. Irenaeus, a Christian bishop who wrote Against Heresies around 1. CE. A full- scale narrative describing how Sophia becomes Gaia cannot be. The Fallen Goddess. Lucky Thirteen. The thirteenth packet of the Nag Hammadi library consists of eight. It is the only codex (book of. II), its pages are not numbered.

The texts are. incomplete, and the first two leaves appear to have almost been. They are not charred around the edges, but smoke- damaged. During the 4th century CE. The. first pages of codex XIII seem to have quite literally been snatched. Gnosis is the knowledge that frees. Because this knowledge is.

The sole complete text in codex XIII is. Trimorphic Protennoia, a. The experts suggest that it may have been written by two. For my. system of references see Gnostic Materials.) This opinion accords. Coptic treatises are student. The materials found. Jabal al Tarif may indeed be .

The structure of Trimorphic Protennoia is distinctive. It builds like a fugue. The longer, dominant.

I dwell in those who came to be. I walk uprightly and those who sleep, I awaken.

I am the invisible one within the all. The character of the aretologies is. The content is visionary, so this kind of text.

The. subject of Trim. Her plunge is described in three. First - Protennoia is the. First Thought who descends first as light into. Second - Protennoia is the.

Speech of the Thought who descends to empower her fallen. Watch Boiling Point Download Full more. Third - Protennoia is the.

Word or Logos of the Thought who descends in the likeness of. Five Seals and restores. John D. Turner)Protennoia means . This word is. packed with uniquely Gnostic nuances.

A prototype generates all later and. Ennoia is a compound of en- , . Nous is a faculty, not a mark of. Granted, whoever cultivates nous becomes in a sense. The object of Gnostic spiritual practice is not to see ourselves as. A. World- Changing Message.

Scholars working in teams over decades apply meticulous care to eke. Trimorphic Protennoia.

They write papers and sometimes entire books on a. They hold symposia to discuss the historical and. Gnostic materials, usually with the.

Christianity, rather than to. Gnostics had to say in their own terms.

The result of all this work on the literal meaning of Gnostic texts. No scholar today regards the original message of Gnosticism as. This is the strange impasse into which Gnostic. About one third of the. Metahistory. org is devoted to recovery of the original. To recover and reconstruct the story of Gaia- Sophia, we must.

Gnostics may actually have known about cosmic. The assumption that Pleroma, meaning . For my. response to this objection, see 'reality' in below insert.) Reality. Is not necessarily what. As explained in Sources of the Gaia Mythos, I draw upon. Asian metaphysics, especially emanation theory, to.

The key. principle of emanation theory is that all being and. Even if. the Pleroma is a locus outside time and space, it can. Philosophically, this view is called radical immanence. In Tibetan Buddhism, it is called noumenalism. It must. not be confused with the Platonic duality of the Eidos. Ideal Forms) and their inferior and illusory. In this. view the appearance of the Real, Ultimate Reality, is.

Only the operations of the perceiving. Real to be. regarded as unreal. Scholars do not make such inferences because the limits of their. Obliged to stick to. Gnosis, transcendent insight.

Yet if scholars today do not have. Gnostic seers, how can they. Lacking the. evidence of experience, the experts are constantly forced into. For fear of making false inferences, they make none that. No scholar would do what I am here attempting with the Gnostics.

But for that matter, no scholar could do what I am. If there is a profound world- changing message in. Gnosticism, as I believe there is, it has little chance of reaching. Thus I extrapolate, as best I can. I. extrapolate carefully but vastly, because the scope of Gnostic. I can tell. My inferences are. I am not alone in attributing profound astronomical knowledge to the.

Gnostics. Jacques Lacarriere, a comparative mythologist and cultural. Gnosticism, demonstrating a complete departure from the usual. Granted, the book The Gnostics is a poetic. Pagels and King. For the Gnostics, the sky is .

I couldn't agree more. Lacarriere also extrapolates Gnostic material in ways conventional. He proposes that Gnostic seers. As we shall. see, Gnostics taught that our world is aberrant, anomalous. How could they have known this if they. Some Gnostic texts. Pleromas. We know today that there are.

The story of the Sophia Aeon concerns. Pleroma in particular, the core of the galaxy that harbors the. The mere suggestion that mystics. One Tree Hill Episode 22 Season 2 here. An artist's. concept shows a dark doughnut- shaped ring deep in the. NGC 4. 01. 3. Galaxy. Constellation of Virgo.

Milky Way. Galaxy. Sombrero. Galaxy. Andromeda. Galaxy. NGC 3. 07. 9. Galaxy How all the more outrageous it will be, then, if what they knew. Sophia's. Passion.

As noted above. Trimorphic Protennoiais concerned with the central. Gnostic world- vision: the descent of the Goddess. Sophia. To show how this occurs, we need to. Trim. Prot.. summarized in Turner's paraphrase (above), into cosmological terms. Then, by inference, we can begin to explore the role of. Gaia's Dreaming of the world we inhabit: First phase: Sophia's passion causes Her to plunge through the Pleromic membrane, rather than emanate through it and remain. Aeons normally do.

Upon departing. from the core, She confronts novel conditions of elemental matter in. Automatically, She begins to organize. We may imagine them as immense pulsations of light. Aeonic currents are alive, coherent and. The Coptic materials use the metaphors of.

The mere presence of. Sophia in the outer limbs imparts order to the chaos of the.

Today the process of spontaneous ordering is recognized as. It is called autopoesis. Self- organization is now recognized to be a. In Gnostic. language the autopoetic function is called Autogenes. It is widely accepted that the Gaian. This may sound. like a lofty pronouncement but James Lovelock. At the cosmic level.

Aeon. When this torrential outpouring. The mere. presence of Sophia in the outer limbs organizes the. Gaia Mythos. beginning in Episode 9.) Second phase: As Her impact deepens, the chaotic fields of.

In other words. Sophia's life- force is transmitted to the chaotic matter in the zone. She has entered. This is the most complicated. Gnostic origin myth, for it involves a kind of.

Greek word stereoma: a. This hologram will eventually condense.